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Internet letter to Nick Griffin, chairman of the British National Party

Wednesday, 10th January 2007

Dear Mr Griffin,

Please let me introduce myself: my name is Richard Schoot, I am a Dutchman and I am the author of 'Britain faces the threat of Anglocide', a text which I randomly e-mailed to more than 8,000 people working in UK universities, now three years ago. This and other writings can be found on What I'm hoping for, is that my texts will once inspire a number of brave Britons to found something like a British Christian-patriotic party, as I expect this will set an encouraging example to the other European countries, including my own. You can deduce from my initiative that I have - allow me the frankness - no confidence in the BNP leadership's ability to help Britain find a way out of its very serious problems.

      That said, I expressly pay tribute to the many men and women in your party who mean well, who suffer at the sight of what has become of your great country in the past decades, and who work hard to turn the tide, despite all manner of unjust or plain dirty opposition, carried out by the pseudo-democrats that seem to abound in the institutions sustaining the old order. I also owe you some appreciation for the information provided for by your website, which I visited many times in the past years, although I'm not a fan of the site's tone of voice. Yet, both the BNP website and the website of the late Mr Tyndall helped me to assess what's going on in Britain, as the old media don't excel in giving the full picture, I'm sure you'll agree with that.

      I'm writing you this letter, because I think there is an important question that needs to be answered by you, and that question stands in connection with the NPD, the Nationaldemokratische Partei Deutschlands.

      My opinion about this party has changed over the years. In 7.1.1 of my internet book, completed in December 2003, one can see I was thinking fairly neutral about them. However, a broadcast of news programme NOVA Den Haag Vandaag in 2004 made me realize this NPD party is harbouring neo-Nazi sentiments. I've gone extensively into this in 'Fourteen questions to myself', but let me repeat what I concluded.
      NPD leaders view the non-whites living in Europe as enemies.
      They don't rule out massive violence.
      They admire Hitler.
      They spread the lie Nazi Germany fought a self-defensive war against the Soviet Union.

      I've seen other TV reports about the NPD. And although the old media arouse suspicion by the patterns in their content, although they arouse suspicion by their silence on Torahism, that doesn't mean of course that all the information they give about (neo-)Nazism is unreliable or manipulative. So when, for instance, German broadcasters ZDF aired the report 'The lure of the NPD' in August 2006, I took the following fragments very seriously.
      A hothead holding a microphone was yelling to a crowd that the future would once see 'a national tsunami cleanse the ghettos of Germany'. The same crowd were also addressed by Mr Heise, an NPD leader.
      The NPD is organizing outdoor events, attracting thousands of people, where bands sing lyrics like: 'Rudolf Hess, your spirit will never perish'.
      At one of those concerts, Udo Voigt, the national chairman of the NPD, was seen to tell the visitors: 'The German question stills needs to be talked about. Breslau, Dantzig, Königsberg, Stettin are German cities like Berlin!', mentioning four cities in Poland and Russia.
      On another occasion, Mr Voigt's sensitive historical consciousness also became manifest in his comment on the opening of the Holocaust memorial site in Berlin's city centre. It consists of a large field with hundreds of black concrete blocks, varying in height, between which the visitors can walk. The memorial site lies very close to the Voss Strasse, the street where once Hitler's chancellery was located. Mr Voigt: 'In the future, we can make good use of these concrete blocks as the foundation for a new chancellery.'
      Back to the ZDF programme. Mr Heise is interviewed about the propaganda songs on the CDs he produces and sells, a booming business according to the ZDF. Mr Heise emphasizes: 'We want to indoctrinate.'
      Tobias Schulz is a member of the 'Junge Nationaldemokraten'. In May 2005, he was filmed at a gathering saying: 'Entartet means abnormal, not healthy, inferior, deficient. Comrades, we want to work at a new type of human being. Strength and beauty must flow through this new kind of human being, a new zest for living, a new joy of living. Misshapen crippled people and those who arouse repulsion by their appearance, who resemble animals, don't comply with this new joy of living.' (....) 'Germany was never more productive, never more creative than in the years of the Third Reich'.
      On sunny days, the NPD is also organizing cosy outdoor parties with children's games to entertain families passing by.

      In September 2004, the NPD won parliamentary seats in one of Germany's lands for the first time. Your website then published the following comment:

“The NPD gained 9.3% of the vote in Saxony, one of the most prosperous regions in what was once East Germany. This compares with 9.8% of the vote gained by Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder's Social Democrats and is enough to allow the NPD representation in the Saxony Regional Parliament. The NPD narrowly missed out sending representatives to the Saarland Regional Parliament in last week's election where they won 4% of the vote.

“These election results will go down in history as the moment the German people began free themselves from the chains of history and proudly reclaim their nation from the Conservative / Socialist / Green alliance of corrupt 'establishment politicians' that have dragged it down into penury and politically correct tyranny.

“The European Patriotic Revolution that is challenging the Socialist / Liberal / Conservative death grip that once held vast swaths of Europe in its grasp is building up an irresistable momentum, regardless of the dirty tricks of the Establishment politicians and the lies of the media. The sinister forces that seek to stifle the renaissance of nationalism and patriotism amongst the European peoples will fail, and will one day be held to account for their corruption and crimes against our peoples and nations.

“The media seek to depict the BNP as an xenophobic party, but we count amongst our closest friends our fellow European patriots in parties such as the German NPD, Belgian (Flemish) Vlaams Blok and the French Front National. We have more in common with these proud nationalists than we do with the grubby Neo-Trotskyites of the Labour Party, the insipid liberal hand wringers of the Lib Dems, and the corrupt capitalists of the Conservative Party.”

      This BNP comment clearly demonstrates a lot of enthusiasm over the NPD's electoral victory. Now, it's very well possible that the facts I mentioned above are new to you. However, now that I've been sharing these facts with you, how do you look back on this enthusiastic comment now?

      I'm asking you this, because my intuition tells me that my website is also being read by BNP voters and by people considering that an option, at the next elections. My intuition - for what it's worth - also tells me that the majority of them are not neo-Nazis. On the one hand they do long for a new beginning for Britain, I think, but on the other hand they don't want to have anything to do with Hitler nostalgia, Fourth Reich fantasies, contempt for Hitler's victims, youth indoctrination, the idealization of the Uebermensch, contempt for handicapped people and other Nazi squalor.
      In other words, I'm asking you this on behalf of those among my readers who are saying: 'Patriotism yes, neo-Nazism no' and who are sympathetic towards your party. I guess they would much appreciate it, if you address the issue of your 2004 comment some time on your website or in your blog. They would appreciate it, I think, if you tell them how you feel about the NPD now.
      If you have something to say to the visitors of my website, you're welcome to send me a reply and I'll publish it.


Richard Schoot

P.S. I'll send this letter to and
I'll publish it on my website January the 10th.

(Mr Griffin didn't react.)

Britain, The Netherlands, Europe are in very big trouble, in my view. Our countries urgently need new political parties, Christian-patriotic parties, and it is very important to know what Torahism is. Please read my main text at
         If you come to agree with my views, please always remember that the only way out is a peaceful and patient way. Not a single foreigner or Jew can be held responsible for the country's present situation. Avoid confrontations that can easily turn overheated. Don't react to provocations. Please don't view the avoiding as cowardice. It isn't. Be strong, be calm and calm down others if their anger may cause them to do foolish things.

Long live the Jews, down with Torahism.

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